Sunday, July 4, 2010

Almost done...

Since I've posted I went to Oxford and saw Christ's Church and all of the places where Harry Potter was filmed in was incredible! I met up with Dario and Ivan, Mauro's brothers. We went to Pizza Express, where Ivan worked and what Amelia recommended, it was delicious! Then I just walked around Oxford for the day and naturally I bought an Oxford University t-shirt.

The next day I went and saw all the major sites via a Duck Tour. It was interesting and the easiest way to see pretty much everything that needs to be seen. I also went on the Beatles walking tour which was a lot of fun and it ended with us at Abbey Road studios, of course I got my picture crossing Abbey Road!

I left London bright and early the next day for Milano. I have to say I like Rome a lot better than London, maybe because I'm biased, I don't know? But I felt London was very much so Americanized just with people driving on different sides of the road and some bigger sites. I also like Rome because I feel like they have preserved the old-ness of it very well and you really get that feeling when you walk down the road.

But anyhow Milano has been good. I spent the first couple of days hanging with my cousin Chiara and now I am in Varese with all of our good family friends which is really nice. I'm ready to go home though and sad that I am missing the 4th of July. Soon enough though these travels will be done, sure I'll miss it, but I'm ready to get back to the USA and do American things.

My list of things I want in the US:
-Pedicure, my feet are all beat up from walking so much!
-I need my eye brows waxed, enough said
-A slurpee, a granita doesn't cut it these days
-Arnold Palmer, nothing says America like a good ol' AP
-Mexican Food, as in Tinga, my mom is taking me Thursday night when I get back!
-THE GYM-too many carbs + no working out= : |
-Work, I am so broke!
-A day trip to the Jersey Shore, nothing defines summer for anyone from Jersey but trips to the Jersey Shore
-My car Mashonda the Honda <3
-And of course my family and friends =)

<3 Gabbie