Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's summer 2011...

and I am currently sitting in an office. It has now been a year since I departed for Rome and when this blog started. Where has time gone? However during Spring Break I visited my cousin Sandy in Los Angeles, CA! I will have to write a post about that during one of my oh so tedious days at work. In addition I turned 21 a month ago...that has been fun! Expect more from me soon.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I Have Returned...from TWO TRIPS ALREADY

Shalom all,

It's been about a month since I have been back from Israel, and I realized...I NEVER WROTE A FINAL ENTRY ON THE TRIP! Oh no! However, the trip turned out to be absolutely incredible. I got to swim in the Dead Sea, climb Masada, ride a camel, sleep in a Bedouin tent, make a Bat Mitzvah, get a Jewish name (Shana Avra), experience Ben Yahuda Street, and oh so much more. The trip really did have an impact on me and I will carry the trip with me wherever I go. I am so happy I went when I did, especially now with all of the uprisings in the Middle East, who knows how things are going to play out within the next few months...Regardless, Israel is an amazing country and probably one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to in the world. I came back with a totally different attitude on things and I thank Israel for that!

I also went to St. Louis for the AFLV convention which was incredible. I learned a lot about leadership within Greek life and how to bring it back to my own campus. It was awesome!

So now, I NEED ALL OF YOUR HELP! I am applying to be a World Traveler Intern through STA Travel which will allow me to travel the world for the summer and I would get to blog about it and take pictures and so much more. It would seriously be a dream come true! So please become a fan at:

Go to the page and then click BECOME A FAN at the right hand side of the page at the top. Thanks ya'll!

<3 Gabbie

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Latkes Are Frying


Hello friends and Shabbat Shalom from the holiest place on earth-Jerusalem! The past couple of days have been pretty amazing. I have seen so much already, it's incredible. We went to the Golan Heights on a jeep tour which was pretty fun. Up there we learned about the Six Day War with Israel and the surrounding borders. Pretty crazy stuff. That night we went out in Tiberias which was pretty fun and I met some more people. That night also resulted in a lot of inside jokes that I probably shouldn't post on my blog. Haha. We also visited the Kinneret Cemetery and learned about the Zionist movement that I feel that they are supposed to talk about so that they can get you to move to Israel...Nice story but I like the states.

We also went to a town called Svot. It was really nice and there we did a community service project. However, this project was extremely dirty and I just started acting like my JAP (Jewish American Princess for you gentiles) self. I really did not feel like digging dirt, but I eventually did and it was nice. We started building a park for Jewish children in the town to play in. How sweet. We then learned about Jewish Mysticism which I thought was okay. We then left and arrived in Jerusalem where were literally greeted by prayer and dance and singing...overwhelming but it was fun. OH and also on our way to Jerusalem we stopped at a rest stop and being that I'm not a fan of this Schwarma/Falafel business I got some nugs at a McDonalds...typical, but I was happy.

When we got on the bus today the Israeli soldiers joined us. One asked if I knew Snooki because I was from Jersey. Who knew that show was even here?! Little Seaside Heights has truly become a world phenomenon. Also today we went to The Kotel or the Western Wall. The experience was extremely moving. No matter what religion you are I feel that anyone can really be moved by just being in the vicinity of SUCH a holy place. Jerusalem is filled with really holy things for Christians and Muslims alike. I put my prayers in the wall and spent some time reflecting there. It was probably one of the most moving things I've ever experienced in my life and I honestly did not expect that to happen. We then explored around Jerusalem some more and went to the markets. It was really awesome and I ate Schwarma...AGAIN. But it was fun and really cool to see where people go to shop.

Tonight I went to the Reform Shabbat Services which was really neat because I've never been before. Now I'm waiting to go to our little post Shabbat fun thing and then we're all hanging out. Israel is awesome though and I'm happy I came! I will talk to you all later.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Shalom friends!

We are finally here in Israel. Currently I am in a hotel in Tiberias near the Gailee Sea (which is the Christian name for it, but I already forgot the Hebrew name of it). Our flight was pretty left from Philadelphia airport. When we got to the airport we met up with our Hillel group so that we could check in all together. There were some other Birthright trips going to, so typical me got confused. I eventually figured it out and found Alli, Alex, and Alex. In our bus group there are also kids from Brown, Ithaca, and Binghamton. Before we left we ate at Chickies and Pete's which is always good. The flight to Israel has two steps of security which is pretty intimidating but it made me feel better about the flight. The flight was like 10 hours long so I watched "Easy A" and "The Social Network" and of course listened to Taylor Swift....I'm not sure if I slept or not, it was kind of like a weird sleep limbo thing going on.

We finally arrived in beautiful Tel Aviv at like 3 pm their time. It's like 65 degrees here which awesome compared to the snow we've been getting. We then took the bus to was like a 3 hour bus ride but I was passed out the whole time. Also on the bus we met our guide and the guard whose staying with us the whole trip-he carries around a rifle, it's pretty badass. When we got to our hotel in Tiberias we dropped our bags off and ate dinner. Dinner was interesting...I ate hummus and oranges. Yum. We then had our ice breakers and orientation and got to know everyone a little bit better. It was fun...however I'm exhausted now and I need to get up early (6 AM!) to go to Golan Heights which should be awesome and then to a cemetery and the naot shoe factory. So for now...goodnight my friends. I need to pass out.


P.S This is my picture with my Sprite in Hebrew! HOLLLAAA!

Saturday, January 8, 2011




It is now Sunday meaning that tomorrow, MONDAY JANUARY 10th, 2011 I will be en route to Israel. I cannot wait. I am also excited for the Wi Fi in the desert so I can blog from a Bedouin Tent...bahaha. Anyhow, attached you will see yet another flag picture similar to my England one...except I'm not there yet in Israel, but it's totally fine. Alli, Alex, Alex, and me are so ready to take this country by storm. Alright I will post from the airport or something since I'll be sitting around for hours after my intense security stuff. Apparently on flights to Israel besides getting like porno scanned you get questioned like crazy too...FUN.

But I'm mostly packed with my Masada hiking appropriate clothes, kibbutz working clothes, Shabbat dinner clothes, Western Wall conservative clothes and so forth for my TEN DAY TRIP TO ISRAEL!! The day I get back I will be crazy jet lagged and I have to go to the Greek leadership retreat but it's totally fine.

Anyhow, I'm going to go read now, but I can't believe the day is finally, almost here!

שלום (you figure that one out!)
