Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Israel Updates!

So although we have some ways away till the trip, short update...

Two of my guy friends Alex Howard and Alex Clemente, in addition to my sorority sister Alli Wynn will all be going on this trip together! It has made me 30x more excited! I CANNOT WAIT!

Also, referencing back to I commented the Mad for Beer fan page on facebook talking about how I applied for these two internships in Roma (crossing my fingers!) and they told me they are waiting for me. Precious.

I am attaching an old picture from Mad for Beer in honor of my favorite bar ever while abroad with my favorite bar tender Roberto! Stay tuned...


Monday, October 25, 2010

Next stop...ISRAEL!

Hello friends!

It has been so long since I have updated this travel blog and my life seriously has been turned around since Italy and the rest of Europe.

Yes, I've been more broke than ever...

Yes, my classes have sucked more than ever...

and of course I do crave the occasional gelato or pizza...

but at the end of the day that one trip just gave me the biggest travel itch that has never stopped.

The great news is that today I was accepted to go to Israel for my Birthright Trip through Hillel! I am SO EXCITED FOR THIS TRIP! Thanks to Roberta being Jewish, I get to go for FREE! Being a global affairs major and literally being in the hub of one of the most interesting countries in the world, while getting in touch with my Jewish faith is going to be one of the most incredible things in the world. But that's all for now, I AM BACK!

