Thursday, June 24, 2010

And I'm Out...

Alright so I haven't written in awhile and I apologize, yet again things got crazy with class and what not.

Sardegna, of course was beautiful and it was a really nice, relaxing weekend. It was nice to see Nonna and eat some delicious food!

Since then we have been to Parolaccia, a restaurant in Trastevere where they curse at you in Italian, like Dirty Dick' was a lot of fun and some random Italian local bought us roses!

World cup fever has also gotten the best of us! Yesterday we watched the US win their GROUP AND MOVE ON TO THE TOP 16. First time since 1930...incredible!

Today was our last day at AUR. Crazy how fast this month has flown. I have seriously met some amazing people here and have learned so much about Rome, my Italian heritage, and a lot about myself. Cliche I know.

This trip has made me realize that there is so much more to life than just what us American's have in our little bubble. Sure I complained about central AC, public transportation, and gypsies, but this lifestyle and this country has so much history that the United States doesn't. I have touched ruins that are from before Christ and during the times of great emperor's like Marcus Aurelius and Julius Ceasar, I have walked on the grounds that Christian martyrs where killed at, and stared at a beautiful building everyday that Mussolini funded apparently (which is the irony!).

During this trip I have interacted with some amazing people and professors. My art history professor and my archaeology teacher have taught me so much. It's been awhile since I had professors that really connected with their students on such a level. They have brought me to a new level of viewing things.

Coming to Rome isn't about the karaoke nights, the pub crawls, the pizza, or the sexy Italian's about the education and life experience. This trip seriously has changed me in more ways than one and I have really discovered myself as a person more so. You can learn from the Italians and this life style...seriously. We worry so much in the states about everyone else's business but our own,we always are in a rush, and just never give ourselves a chance to sit back and enjoy life. Here that's what I've done, enjoyed life. I've gotten my cappucino everyday from the nice man at "Er Pozzo per Gelato" the cafe downstairs and have taken my time while drinking it. I've taken strolls through the city. I've had many apertivos after class, just to relax and really enjoy life and everyone's company that i'm in. Life is too short to worry about the bullshit, why bother?

I just am tearing up writing this, because this trip really has been incredible. I never thought that it'd have such an impact on me. I just want to thank my parents everyday for giving me this experience because it has really been one of the best summers of my life so far and it's not even over. This trip has just made me realize take nothing for granted and seriously live life to the fullest. I've woken up so early here everyday, and I complained, but secretly, it was the best thing because I saw everything. I saw SO MUCH. I'm really going to miss this a lot, and I see why my father loves his country so much now. It took me to the age of 20 to really appreciate Italy like I think my papa does (except for the soccer team, they suck this year...sore subject).

So Roma, as we have been saying this whole trip "DEUCES" or "Arrivederci!" I'll be back soon, as a matter of fact I need to get to the Trevi Fountain tonight...

As for the rest of my travels...I will be going to London tomorrow till the 30th then back to Milano and Varese till July 8th! I'll write then no worries.

A presto.


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